Every once in a while, a literary work explodes into its own phenomena: The Don Juan mystical sensation from Carlos Castenada, The Celestine Prophecy legacy of James Redfield, and The Da Vinci Code brand developed by Dan Brown to name those most notable of the supernatural thriller genre. Now, another […]
Hydra signs Addie J. King to New Three Book Series
Hydra Publications is excited to announce the signing of The Hochenwalt Files, a three-book trilogy by Addie King. Samantha Hochenwalt is just a rookie cop from a Midwest town. She never asked to be thrust into the center of a supernatural ordeal. After a werewolf attack leaves her […]
Think Winter in Your Area is Bad?
If you think Winter in your area is bad, be thankful. In Terror on the Tundra, the horror thriller from J. Ersker Miller, things are much worse. A single pair of shipwrecked Viking war dogs evolved into terrifying Apex Predators and ravaged their island unchallenged. Eventually, the breakup of Arctic […]
Cosmic Egg Rapture Now Available for Pre Order
There are few novels as mind-blowing as the new supernatural thriller by Robb Hoff, The Cosmic Egg Rapture. Alpha and Omega: Your transfiguration awaits you, my love. Heed the mantra, and live exalted forever. Reject it and die a mortal death. Haunting relics lure a non-fiction writer into this destiny […]