Love to write? Love to meet fantastically talented authors? Looking for your newest series to obsess about through the winter? Then you need to be at Imaginarium, taking place this weekend in Louisville at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Conference Center. The festivities get under way tonight. Imaginarium is the regions largest writer’s conference with panels on every form of writing: from novels, to songwriting to screenwriting, it’s all there. Hydra is once again a proud sponsor and Hydra publisher, Tony Acree, will be the Toastmaster. Many think this is so thew convention will know where he is at all times which is a smart move on their part.
Many of Hydra’s best selling authors will be at the Hydra Publications tables in person, signing their work. Arlan Andrews, Tom Wallace, Rachael Rawlings, Bill Noel, Dave Creek, Stuart Thaman, Rebekah McAullife, Mary Ellen Quire, and the the youngest author to ever attend Imaginarium, Lauren Acree.
On Saturday and Sunday, illustrator and artist, Katy Acree, will be on hand to sketch drawings on demand (she drew the logo for our imprint Twin Sisters Press) and she will be joined by Kevlen Goodner on Sunday, who will show off his magical talents also doing sketches on demand.
Saturday night there is an awards banquet followed by a costume contest. I even hear AARP Batman may be making a return visit.
You can register here.
You can find the panel and workshop listings here.
See you this weekend!