If you are a Kindle Unlimited reader, Hydra Publications has a full catalogue of best selling books you will want to read. It doesn’t matter the genre: romance, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, action, adventure or horror, we have you covered.
If you’ve never heard of Kindle Unlimited, it’s Amazon’s version of Netflix for books. The cost is $9.99 a month and you can read as many books as you want, and in some cases, through the use of Whispersync for Voice, listen to them as well. The great thing is, you don’t have to own a Kindle to take advantage of Kindle Unlimited. You can download the Kindle app on most any device and away you go.
Best selling Hydra authors Tom Wallace, Stuart Thaman, Bill Noel, Tony Acree, Rachael Rawlings, Lynn Tincher and many others, all have titles available for your KU reading pleasure. You can find a list of Hydra titles available on Amazon here. The Kindle Unlimited banner will show next to books available to be downloaded and read for free with your membership. To learn more about Kindle Unlimited and to sign up today, simply follow this link.