MAY 31, 2016, LOUISVILLE, KY Hydra Publications and Author Lynn Tincher announced today that the Louisville based Publisher is re-releasing Afterthoughts on June 4th from 10 AM to 5 PM at Karen’s Book Barn in LaGrange, Kentucky during Arts on the Green. Tincher’s book that started it all, Afterthoughts has been optioned for film and is currently in pre-production. Tincher first introduced Louisville, Kentucky based Detective Paige Aldridge and her ability to read minds in Afterthoughts, released in 2008. The re-release party will help raise funds for the movie to be filmed in Louisville in the coming months. Jamie Best, The Reluctant Medium, will be on site to do Tarot readings and there will be games and giveaways all day long.
For more information on the entire Mind Bending Series, author, Lynn Tincher, and the upcoming Afterthoughts film, please visit www.LynnTincher.com. You can also donate to the film by visiting www.afterthoughtsfilm.com.
Owner/Publisher Tony Acree states, “Hydra Publications is thrilled to have the incredibly talented Lynn Tincher join the Hydra family.”
“I am over the moon excited about the film,” states Tincher. “Filming in the Louisville area is important to me. I can’t wait to see my characters come to life.”
Location: Karen’s Book Barn, 127 East Main Street, LaGrange, KY 40031, 502-222-0918
About Hydra Publications
Hydra Publications is a small press from the Louisville, Kentucky area, although other authors come from across the nation. At this time, their focus is on publishing speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, and horror) but they do also consider quality work in other genres.
They are always looking for new authors and new readers. You may find them on Facebook and Twitter. To follow our individual authors at their fanpages, visit the respective links located on each page of the website.
Visit www.hydrapublications.com for more information.
About Lynn Tincher
Author, Public Speaker, Screen Writer, and Executive Producer, Lynn Tincher was born just outside of Louisville, Kentucky in the beautiful city of La Grange. She studied Theater Arts at Eastern Kentucky University and had several articles published in local magazines and online. Inspired by Nora Roberts, JK Rowling, and Greg Isles, Lynn wrote Afterthoughts, the first book in the Mind Bending Series, a fictional psychological crime series that follows the life of a young Louisville Police Detective named Paige Aldridge. Afterthoughts was optioned for movie production by Kilted Pictures and Dancing Forward Productions in Los Angeles. It is currently in pre-production with plans to shoot in Louisville, Kentucky.
About Jamie Best
For as long as she could remember, dead folks have surrounded Jamie. She ignored them for decades, but that didn’t discourage them from hanging out with her. So here she is, a reluctant medium. Over the years, she has developed her abilities and continues to add new skills all the time. She learned that she is able to help earthbound spirits cross over when they are lost and just need a little help finding the way. Then she began to help people connect with passed loved ones. Several years ago, she began using energetic tools such as pendulums and tarot cards to strengthen connections. She loves working with psychic kids and their families to help navigate life with metaphysical gifts and create an environment of encouragement and acceptance. She has earned her Reiki Master certification and provides Reiki sessions for people and pets. Jamie is currently working on her animal communication skills.
Visit http://reluctantmedium.com for more information.