
This weekend is the Kentucky Book Festival, the largest book fair in the state will be held at Alltech Arena in Lexington, Kentucky and Hydra Publications and our imprints are well represented. Tony Acree and Rachael Rawlings – Vengeance: A Samantha Tyler Thriller Robb Hoff – Cosmic Egg Rapture Bill […]

Murder by Suicide by Tom Wallace Kindle Countdown Deal


Murder, deception, thrills and heart pounding scenes make Murder by Suicide, the newest Jack Dantzler Mystery by Tom Wallace, a must read. And now you can do so at a great price, during the novel’s Kindle Count Down Deal. When Jack Dantzler gets word that a former detective has committed […]

Murder by Suicide by Tom Wallace


Celebrate Father’s Day with the newest Jack Dantzler Mystery, Murder by Suicide, by Tom Wallace. When Jack Dantzler gets word that a former detective has committed suicide, he isn’t particularly shocked. After all, it’s a well-known fact that cops have a notoriously high suicide rate. A few days later, Dantzler […]